.БГ Domain

Register or transfer your .бг domain!

Registration for the Cyrillic .бг TLD has officially started! Since we are an official registrar of Imena.BG, now you can register your unique .бг domain with us!

With every registered .бг domain you also get:

  • an attractive price;
  • registration that is a piece of cake;
  • the opportunity to register the same Cyrillic .bg TLD.

* Registеring a Cyrilic бг. is TLD also related to some further requirements including signing a document (power of attorney or registration application) so that the Registrant can be identified.
Domain .бг

Register .БГ domain

Find your favourite .БГ domain:

Select catchy name, which can be easily spelled and has no specific symbols. You can find more recommendations about choosing a domain in our "Advices for choosing a domain"

Transfer .БГ domain

Transfer and manage domain:

Additional services, connected with .бг domain

Price Price
Domain Change of Ownership Application

The current domain registrant sends new domain registrant details (about the individual or company) by email. Request for .бг domain ownership transfer (change) and a domain transfer declaration are generated, based on the received information. Then the request for .бг domain ownership transfer is sent to the new registrant for signing and the domain transfer declaration, needs to be signed by the current domain registrant. After the documents have been duly signed, they are gathered together in Imena.bg's system, and the transfer process is completed.

BG Domain Change of Mailing Address Application

The domain registrant sends details necessary for performing the change by email. A request for the registrant's correspondence address or e-mail address change is generated. The request is sent to the registrant for their signature, and then the documents are gathered together in Imena.bg's system.

BG Domain Change of Registrant Name Application

The domain registrant sends details necessary for performing the change by email. A request for the registrant's name change is generated. The request is sent to the registrant for their signature, and then the documents are gathered together in Imena.bg's system.

BG Domain Change of Administrative Contact Application

The domain registrant sends details necessary for performing the change by email. After the details are received a request for the administrative contact person change is generated. The request is sent to the registrant for their signature, and then the documents are gathered together in Imena.bg's system.

BG Domain Change of Legal Rights Claim Application

The domain registrant sends details necessary for performing the change by email. After the details are received a request for change of domain usage purpose is generated. The request is sent to the registrant for their signature, and then the documents are gathered together in Imena.bg's system.

Domain Cancel Registration Application

The domain registrant sends details necessary for performing the change by email. A request for .бг domain registration cancellation is generated. The request is sent to the registrant for their signature, and then the documents are gathered together in Imena.bg's system.


Prices and periods

Registration price
Renewal price
Transfer price
1 year
2 years
3 years
4 years
5 years
10 years