New Domains

Be different!

The new domains are already with us!

Find your Internet identity that best fits your products, services and interests. Keep your online territory with specific, targeted domain name.

Take advantage of the huge variety of free new names and find the most appropriate and easy to remember domain name for your site.

Find the original name for your project and register a new domain quickly and easily!

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Domain Registration

In addition to the most popular areas, such as .com, .net, .org, .info, and .biz, you can register domains in more than 200 other areas with our services. Choose your unique name that will make it easy for people to find you online.

Find your perfect domain name:

Find simple and easy accessible name without specific signs. Find more recommendations for selecting domain at Tips for Choosing a Domain.

Transfer Your Domain

You can easily transfer and manage your domain with us. All you need to do is observe all requirements for domain transfer.

Enter the domain you'd like to transfer:

For more details on domain transfer, visit Domain Transfer.

Prices & Periods

Registration Price Price
Renewal Price
Transfer Price
Minimum period
1 year
1 year
1 year
1 year
1 year
1 year
1 year
1 year
1 year
1 year
1 year
1 year
1 year
1 year
1 year
1 year
1 year
1 year
1 year

Premium Domains

Premium domains are different from standard ones in that they have more attractive names (i.e. names for which there is greater demand). Usually, these are names that are short, easy to type and remember, coincide with popular names and expressions, names of famous people, events, places, fashion trends, famous brands, etc.

Premium domains may be both new domains, as well as domains that have been registered (active) for a period of time.

For domains that are being registered for the first time, the registration price is determined solely by the attractiveness of the domain name. For premium domains that have already been registered and active for a certain period, the price depends, apart from the domain name, on its history, site popularity, "age," economic tendencies, and other factors.

The prices of premium domains start from several dollars and can reach up to hundreds and thousands of dollars. 

For some of the premium domains, the higher price is only paid once, and each year the price for domain renewal is the standard for its area.

There are, however, domains for which the renewal price is equal or close to the registration one. 

For more information about premium domains, please visit our help page.